Does Jelqing Technique Actually Work?

Jelqing is a manual technique that some men try to increase penis size. However, no scientific evidence supports its effectiveness, and medical professionals generally advise against it due to potential risks of injury. Why Men Try Jelqing Many men resort to jelqing due to anxiety about having a small penis, although most have a normal size of approximately 5.16 inches (13.12 cm) when erect. Across cultures, various methods have historically been used in attempts to increase penis size , including: Poisonous snake bites in Brazil, Piercings by the Dayak tribe in Borneo, and Weight mounting practices in Peru, Africa, and India. Jelqing is thought to have originated in the Middle East among Sudanese tribes and remains popular as a seemingly less painful alternative to these traditional methods. However, there is still no scientific evidence to support its effectiveness. Understanding Jelqing Jelqing involves stretching the penis by repeatedly “milkin...