What is Death Grip Syndrome and How To Reverse It? - Surya Dental Care

Masturbation is a natural and safe practice when done correctly. However, excessive pressure or fast techniques can lead to desensitization, commonly called Death Grip Syndrome (DGS ) . While not a medical term, this condition is recognized and supported by research linking tight or aggressive masturbation to reduced sensitivity. At Fortius Health Clinic , our experienced male sexologists frequently encounter this issue and provide effective, personalized treatment plans to address it. Here’s a detailed explanation of Death Grip Syndrome, including its symptoms, causes, and solutions. What is Death Grip Syndrome? Death Grip Syndrome describes a situation where achieving orgasm through masturbation becomes easier than through partnered sexual activity. While it is a slang term, its effects are real and rooted in hyperstimulation, leading to genital desensitization. In simpler terms, if you find climaxing through masturbation easier but struggle during intimacy w...